We start our stories with my hero of course. My mom.
A true Cinnamon Spirit girl herself, she should be credited with all the confidence I have and here’s why….
- Her ability to follow through.
- Her sense of loyalty, honesty and fairness.
- Her sense of excitement and adventure.
- Her ability to give generously to those who need and be excited about it.
- Her ability to evolve and grow younger and stronger as the years progress.
- Her ability to inspire change and progress.
- Her ability to love everyone and appreciate the beauty in them.

When I was as young as eight I remember my mother telling me how beautiful she and my grandmother thought I was. I was way more dark skinned than my siblings. Thanks to mother, I grew up thinking I was super attractive.
Mother was born into a very respected Tamil family in Central Sri Lanka. This community was cultured but fairly primitive in it’s progressiveness. It continues to be a male dominated society. So much so that she was not allowed to pursue an education beyond grade 8.

Our parents were married in 1958 and lived in a joint family household for a period before my father moved to Colombo. Her cultural exposure most likely started in Colombo with lessons in cake decorating, sewing, embroidery and other vocations. She had a thirst for knowledge that 60 years later has not waned.
As most families do, our’s saw plenty of hardship. Death, riots, disease and disappointment but through it all our mother was one constant rock upon which waves flowed.
She took life by the horns and steered us with firm love.
Her compassion has changed the lives of not just forty of my siblings and their descendants but countless others who she hosted for various reasons.
She has been more progressive than those who were born into power and privilege. Perhaps some of her strength came from the faith my father had in her ability till the day he died. Whatever it maybe, she was a force to reckon with.
When people say I look like my mother, it makes me happy. I hope I can be half as successful as she has been.
This is a tribute to my biggest supporter and friend…
Kodainayaki Rajeshwari Ganeshan